This is a GIF of a black hole.

This image was taken from Nasa Gifs
This is an image of a black hole, an incredible spacial phenomenon. I love space, so this I found this image very interesting. This image is in GIF format.

GIF characteristics:

  1. Best used for line art and logos
  2. Max of 256 colors
  3. Can be animated

This is a JPEG of a puppy.

This image was taken from Pinterest
This is an image of an adorable puppy. I love puppies very much, so I wanted to include one in my web page. This image is in JPEG format.

JPEG characteristics:

  1. Best used for photographs
  2. Up to 6.7 million colours
  3. Cannot be animated or made transparent

This is a PNG of a leopard.

This image was taken from Free PNG Images
This is an image of a leopard. Leopards are amazing and poweful animals, and quite beautiful as well. This image is transparent and in PNG format.

PNG characteristics:

  1. Supports millions of colours
  2. Supports multiple levels of transparency
  3. Combines the best of GIF and JPEG